Behind the Anglican rectory at 9 St John’s Avenue New Town
was once a large urban back yard with room for fruit trees and chooks. The
Lenah Links community group took out the lease on the garden to allow local
residents to grow some food or just spend time in a large shady space.
It has a variety of fruit trees including apricots,
nectarines, apples, peaches, a mature walnut and a mulberry tree. There is a
chook shed with large healthy chooks and the regular and competitive crowing of
roosters next to a large herb spiral.
Ogilvie High School has plots where they
grow vegetables for use in the school canteen, a group from St John’s Anglican Church grows flowers, and Work Skills
help maintain the orchard. The space also has a large green shade cloth covered potting and propagation shed.
They also run regular community events such as Music
in the Orchard and a Harmony Day picnic in the orchard throughout the
On the last Sunday of every month between 11.30 and 3 a
working bee is held followed by wood-fired pizza cooked in a wonderful domed
stone pizza oven. More information can be found by ringing Ruth on 0408344105
or via